Saturday, April 25, 2009

Evereyday Food Magazine - April 2009

April's issue contained tons of recipes I want to try and sadly I barely made any before May's issue arrived. (Partly due to the fact that my April issue got lost in the mail and was almost 2 weeks late and partly b/c I've been busy!) None-the-less -- here's my recap:

Recipes I made:
The "In-Season" food of the month was Asparagus, so there were several recipes using asparagus. Here are the ones I didn't manage to try:
Among the "5 Great Meals for Under $10" I flagged, but didn't get around to making:
They had a section on "Unbeatable Egg Suppers" which I'm all about since I've always loved eggs for dinner! I flagged the whole section but never made any of them:
They also had a section on making cookies that you normally buy in the store. Here are the one's I flagged to try:
Finally, here are the remaining misc. recipes I wanted to try as well:
(I know - it was a good issue! I flagged a lot of it! Just means more things to try later! Let me know if you make any - I'm especially curious about the ones I didn't try yet.)

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