Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Julie & Julia

I just saw Julie and Julia tonight at a preview showing, thanks to the WGBH-Julia connection! It was great. How could you not love Julia Child, and Julie was just like us! Great cooks that sometimes mess up and have meltdowns. I don't think I'll be trying many of Julia Child's recipes anytime soon, and I'm still trying to stay away from all that butter. But the chocolate cake I would definitely go for. If we made more than one recipe a day, maybe we'd have lots of fans on our blog, but I still love it the way it is! So get motivated everyone, and keep posting! Here is a video of the actual Julia Child's cooking show - The French Chef.

1 comment:

Aliza said...

Such a great movie. It inspired me to start a food blog http://oneplatewonder.blogspot.com/. So wonderful!